What We Do

We Are On A Mission to End Hopelessness Among Teens

When teens start believing what is true and possible, it changes everything!

We can’t change the circumstances that teens face or promise they won’t struggle or experience pain. But we can help them build resiliency and relationships that give them a solid footing and a transformed outlook.


  • I am lovable, capable, & worthwhile-Every person is uniquely created by God and has innate value that no person or circumstance can take away. Because of this, every life is worth living. Every person has purpose. And everyone has something to offer.
  • I am loved without strings & never alone-God will never love anyone more or less than He already does-regardless of what a person does, good or bad. He’s fully committed and will never abandon the people He created and loves, no matter what.
  • I have a future-Neither past decisions nor current circumstances can limit anyone. God is always doing a new thing and every person has unique gifts and abilities that give them a future with purpose.